
Will Germany coronavirus response attract foreign investment?

Germany and a handful of countries have been praised for their handling of the pandemic. Their impressive responses could grab the attention of investors looking to make “pandemic-proof” investments in the future.

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Germany has been making international headlines for the way it has dealt with the COVID-19 outbreak, managing to keep the death toll relatively low even as the pandemic wreaks havoc in other advanced European economies. 

The country has been praised for its timely response, broad testing and high hospital capacity, much like South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.

Germany’s efforts are unlikely to go unnoticed by battered global investors as they seek to make their investments as pandemic-proof as possible in the future. 

As they gradually rise from the ashes, investors are likely to attach greater emphasis on a country’s health care system and its government’s ability to react quickly to a potential second wave of the pandemic or any other future crisis while making investment decisions. 

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